
Buffy Episode 3.5: Homecoming

Welcome to our discussion of Buffy Season 3 Episode 5: Homecoming; Wherein a surprise date with Cordelia messes up Buffy's date with Faith. Our drinks this time are Slayerfest and The Spatula of Empowerment. 

Before we get too far, please make sure to take advantage of Plottr’s final days of it’s amazing sale before it’s gone! You can find more out about Plottr here

In this, our second try at recording this episode thanks to some technological epic failure, we discuss further out theories about the previous episode and just how gay it—and possibly Oz—are before we move on to bigger and better things. We talk at length about Snard’s theory about what is really going on between Xander and Willow, whether or not Angel knows he has a tattoo, more cargo for the ship of Buffy and Faith, and a whole lot more. 

As always, thank you for sticking through the rocky road of technical issues and life things this year, and please make sure to share us with your Buffy-loving friends and anyone else who might enjoy the show. Thank you for listening!

Buffy 3.3: Faith, Hope & Trick Part 1

Welcome to our 2-part podcast Buffy Season 3, Episode 3: Faith, Hope & Trick; wherein... OMG Faith is here!!! Plus, Trick, some floppy-haired dink, and the return of Angel: now with more naked! We have been anticipating the appearance of Faith since our show's inception and have many, many things to say. As always, we discover deeper themes and meanings than what is meant to be seen on the surface, and we work to uncover what is really going on. 

Among the character developments as well as comings and goings around town, we discuss all that is hidden, including what Buffy's dream of Angel and the ring means (it's a trick... get it?), deeper myths that are beginning to come together, and, well.. a ton. Through Faith, we also get to discuss production coding as a way to recognize gay/bi/queer characters as discussed at greater length in The Celluloid Closet, which explains much of how we see such heavy queer themes where many have detected none: and boy, do we detect a few. 

Please remember that this is a 2-part episode, so make sure to check back this week for part 2 on this same post (in edits now). 

And as always, thank you so much for listening, sharing us with your Buffy-loving friends, commenting, and liking us on Facebook. And thank you SO very much for your patience with our schedule since things have slowed down to terribly this year. We promise we will be back to a regular posting schedule as soon as possible.  


**Please forgive us for any audio issues we have had and are having for the next few issues. Some failing equipment caused some serious anomalies that had to be edited around. We have since fixed the problems with massive equipment upgrades, but we have a few episodes yet to get past before it will get WAY better. **

Buffy Episode 3.2: Dead Man's Party

Welcome to our discussion of Buffy Season 3 Episode 2: Dead Man's Party; wherein Buffy's family and friends are incomparable assholes except for Giles who snaps off one of the funniest lines we have ever heard. We have had schnapps to wash down the bitter comments, and also work to try and understand why Buffy's friends are terrible. We postulate many ideas, among them that this episode is from Joyce's point of view, and have some very interesting ideas about the origin of Pat and where she fits into the greater Buffyverse (seriously, Snard found evidence). We also discuss the function of the mask as a reflection of Joyce's consciousness and her need to keep up appearances and activates in her absence of the ability to maintain control - a theme that feeds well into the mythological metaphors of this season. 

We have to do a lot of heavy metaphor and character gymnastics in this episode to arc Buffy from her freedom and slayer awakening back into the confines of Sunnydale and the role she is supposed to play as the hero who never shows emotion - setting her up in a way that will prevent her from opening up to Faith when she gets here, and thus creates tension in the story. Our metaphors broadcast all sorts of internal workings and conflicts, and the characters indicate many trends and issues that foreshadows upcoming actions. Love it or hate it, this is a pivotal and telling episode. Plus, Gile's car rant makes it all worth it.  

As always, thank you fro much for listening and all you do for the show. Make sure to like us on Facebook, go to our website to comment and see what else we're up to, and contact us at Until next time, when we get to the the thing Jen has been waiting for since we began.... FAITH!! 

And because you'll need it after this episode, Richard Simmons being fabulous:

Buffy Episode 2.22: Becoming Part 2

Today's episode is all about Buffy Season 2 Episode 22: Becoming; Wherein Buffy loses everything but herself and we need a f***ing truckload of Kleenex. We talk at great length about this masterpiece because So much happens in this episode, and all of it is crazy important; we discuss some (we think) theories about Whistler and his origins and why maybe we’re supposed to not like him, discuss how the story progresses through both metaphor and character in masterful strokes that show us what is happening to Buffy, defend and also discuss Xander’s worst lie ever and why he says what he does.

This episode transcends all that comes before it in many ways; marking an end of the innocence and previous reality for Buffy and all of her Scoobies, both as metaphor and as characters. One major hallmark of this is the strong and blatant correlation to Buffy showing her mom that she is the Slayer as a coming out, and coding Slayers as bi-sexaul, a trend that if you are watching for it (and believe us, as we're watching) is thick and fascinating as a motivator for much of the rest of the show. This is the event horizon that catapults Buffy into a new world of storytelling and metaphor from here on out. 

As always, thank you so much for listening! Please comment, like, share, and participate in any way you see fit to help us boost our signal. Make sure to like us of Facebook and feel free to email us at 

After some technological near-disasters where the audio of this episode was saved only by the talents of Michelle's techno-pagan boyfriend Alex, we are finally back on track and ready to go! You can ignore our discussion of taking a week off and get your engines running for what comes next. There will be custom cocktails, more explicit discussion of myth in Buffy, and maybe even some Mad Libs. 

Stay tuned!!! 

Buffy Episode 2.20: Go Fish

In this show we talk all about Buffy Season 2 Episode 02: Go Fish; Wherein there are fish monsters and also unexpected lessons in sexual victimhood. This episode does so much to move Buffy forward as a show and as our characters move into their respective positions for next season. It also works to brilliantly flip the gender narrative and reveal some very interesting work of social commentary and brilliant storytelling. It also does heavy work in the realm of questioning and studying exceptionalism. 

We also see the influence of the 50s still heavily playing as a hangover from the last episode, bringing in not only forward movements into Angel’s past, but also the influence of man trying to overcome and exploit the supernatural and the misunderstood through the genetic experiments. In this episode, all of our characters begin to hit their stride and move into places that they will occupy as we move into the third season. Xander hits his stride, Cordy is brave, Willow seems torn in her affections (and playing card choices), and Jonathan is moving into a more aggressive stance through continued bullying. 

It’s a long episode and we cover a lot. Please enjoy! As always thank you so much for listening. Please make sure to like us on Facebook, visit our website, and feel free to email us any time at

Buffy Episode 2.18: Killed By Death

In today's show we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 18: Killed by Death - Wherein tact is just not saying true stuff. We talk about why Buffy got sick and the possibilities of influence of the PTBs in early Buffy, Cordelia's continuing evolution as part of the Scoobies, get some hints of the amazing man Xander will become as well as some troubling indications of Willow's moral compass. 

This episode of Buffy helps to set the stage of the final episode of this season and chapter of Buffy's journey into becoming the person who can make the hardest decision anyone could ever make. We have the difficult task of moving her beyond just missing Angel and into some who can lose everything and still find a strength greater than the sum of her parts. We have more work yet to do next week in Go Fish.

As always, thank you so much for listening and for your patience while Snard finishes transitioning into her new job and new schedule. Please make sure to like us on Facebook, check out our website for new things and future developments. And as always, please email us any time at

And because Der Kindestad reminds us of The ErlKing:

Buffy Episode 2.16: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

We're FINALLY back after Michelle/ Snard's training and subsequent need for sleep and brain rest instead of editing audio. We're back on schedule though and don't anticipate any more interruptions!

In today's episode, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 16: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, wherein Xander triggers a love spell that promptly goes awry, there is a Buffy Rat, and Jenny Calendar, Drucilla, and Joyce, laughter0induced hernias are had by all BUT alert: this is the Buffyverse so the hilarity of the episode means that the next one will rip out your heart and feed it to you. 

We observe some evolution in Buffy and Xander's relationship (and thus between Buffy and her Heart), explore the darker side of magic, and through the love spell see a new way to view Angelus' behavior toward Buffy in the coming episodes. 

Thank you so very much for listening to our podcast! 

Buffy Episode 2.15: Phases

In today’s episode, Buffy is going through a few things and so is our new Scooby Oz. That’s right, it’s Buffy Season 2, Episode 15: Phases: Wherein Angelus, Larry the Closet Case, a werewolf hunter named Kane, and Oz all give us different versions of the “all men are beasts” theory later posited by Faith is Season 3. 

And really, the subtitle says just about all we can say. This episode works both to examine toxic masculinity as well as showing us the inner workings of Buffy dealing with the loss of Angel to Angelus in beautifully orchestrated metaphor through the Scoobies, as well as the reflection that a beast doesn’t have to be a monster, as Oz proves. We also get to see Cordy and Willow bond over their tipping of the gender norm tables and that scene never gets old (“Who do they think they are?” “A couple of guys.”)

As always, please keep commenting, liking, sharing, reviewing, and all the other wonderful things you do to help boost our signal and give us feedback. And you can always contact us directly on

Also, keep in mind that sometime this week or next, Michelle/Snard will have finished re-mastering the sound on our old episodes and will be refreshing the podcast feed, so if things go all wonky, that’s why.

Buffy Episode 2.11: Ted

Today we celebrate Valentine’s Day Hellmouth-style with our discussion of Buffy Season 2 Episode 11 Ted: Wherein Buffy performs several acts that she will deny for the rest of the series. We investigate the possibly Greek myth themes of Ted and the other robots found on the Hellmouth (hint: it’s Pygmalion) and also it’s heavy foreshadowing of Faith’s character arc and vulnerabilities along with some incredibly strong similarities between Ted and the Mayor. We also track Joyce’s downward momentum as Buffy’s mom and introduce the Faith and Buffy Bell. 

One of the very interesting aspects of this episode is how much it exposes the vulnerabilities and character arc of Faith later on and sets the stage for a lack of understanding that leads to her to working with the Mayor. Once again, we see that there’s no such thing as a standalone episode of Buffy.  

We’re still trying to get 10 reviews on iTunes to help boost our signal, and Michelle (Snard) is eagerly working on incentives and rewards for as soon as our milestones of 10, 15, and 20 reviews are reached. 

Thank you so much for listening! 

For reference, Manslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as discussed in our episode.

Buffy Episode 2.8: The Dark Age (Ripper Arc 3 of 3)

Here we conclude our third and final episode of our Ripper Arc episodes with Buffy Season 2 Episode 8 The Dark Age: Wherein there is more Ripper (and more Ethan. Yay!). In this episode, Giles’ Ripper past comes back to haunt him in the most literal and worst way possible. We get to see Giles at his worst and from that as a consequence, we get to see the Scoobies and their metaphorical roles have to handle a difficult situation without Buffy’s mind. We also get to see Angel do something pretty helpful and bad ass. 

We learn though this episode (as well as the others) not only that Giles has a dark past, but also that he has a dark alter-ego just beneath the surface at all times. We are also rewarded with some heavy foreshadowing and interesting character movements that set us up for the next heartbreaking and amazing chapter of Buffy.

Michelle (Snard) also introduces her incentive to help us get more reviews to help us boost our ratings. It involves music. And singing. Review us on iTunes, and good and things will happen. 

One more time, please help us boost our signal, dear Gentle Listeners, in whatever ways you can. We are always, always happy to hear from you on the interwebs, facebook, or you can reach us at

As discussed earlier, make sure to check out the fabulous Jonathan Coulton song RE:Your Brains and the irresistibly funny Eddie Izzard

Be seeing you….

As discussed earlier, make sure to check out the fabulous Jonathan Coulton song RE:Your Brains

 and the irresistibly funny Eddie Izzard

Buffy Episode 2.5: Reptile Boy

In today's episode, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 5: Reptile Boy, Wherein Our Natural Aversion to Frat Parties is Reinforced. We talk about the continuing saga of Buffy's coming to terms with her blossoming sexuality and adulthood, discuss at length Angel's evolving roll in Buffy's life (and sidetrack ourselves on the nature of Buffy's and other fictional character's love lives), and begin Snakewatch 2017. All while observing the continuing smashing of the patriarchy that is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 

Please continue to like, share, and review us on Facebook and elsewhere. And as always, you can contact us, comment, and give feedback on any of our online platforms, our website ( and by email at 

Stay tuned for next week's 3-episode release in our Ripper Arc, wherein we meet and discuss Gile's alter-ego--and one of our favorite characters--Ripper. 

Buffy Episode 2.3 School Hard

They're heeeere! In this episode, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 3:School Hard, Wherein We Meet Spike And Dru! (Insert girlish squeal of delight.) We delve into the metaphorical meanings behind Spike's presence in Buffy's life, expose a new shadow self for out plucky slayer, and examine some pretty interesting wardrobe meanings. 

Also, did we mention Spike and Dru? 

Please make sure to share us with your Buffy-loving friends, like us on Facebook, and comment anywhere you like, or email us at to keep the conversation going. Also, we'd be pleased as punch if you'd write us a review on iTunes, Stitcher, or your listening platform of choice. 

Last but not least, if you have some time to kill, you can watch the reason Jen no longer watches anime: Unico and the Island of Magic


Buffy Episode 2.2: Some Assembly Required

In today's episode, we discuss the shockingly layered and important episode of Buffy Season 2 Episode 2: Some Assembly Required, Wherein We Learn the Giles is Hot For Teacher and Sometimes it’s Really Tough to Get A Head. We know that this episode isn't on everyone's factories list, but we promise you do not want to miss our findings. 

We discuss the foreshadowing and development of several important romantic attachments, explore the allegorical implications of Daryl's existence and the possible things that might have gone wrong in bringing Buffy back from the dead, and also reveal some discoveries we made about mythological links into the Buffy cannon. 

As always we would love to hear from you! Please comment, like, share, and review us to help boost our signal. You can always reach us at,, and on Facebook and Podbean. We heart our Gentle Listeners and would love to hear from you! 

And as promised: a link to some Sunnydale-esque science stuff happening now - the first human head transplant (ewww).

Buffy Episode 2.1 When She Was Bad

A Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone! In today's episode, we talk about the second part of Buffy's resurrection story in Buffy Season 2 Episode 1 When She was Bad: Wherein We Find Out What Slayers are Like if They Don't Have Friends or Family But Do Have PTSD.

Many revelations abound in this episode, not the least among them the fact that David Boreanaz is the one in the Master's makeup in Buffy's dream.

Have a fantastic holiday in whatever way you choose, and please make sure to review us on iTunes or Stitcher, like us on Facebook, and start a discussion if you have any thoughts to add. We'll see you next time when we resume our normal posting schedule. 

Buffy Episode 1.12 Prophecy Girl

The holidays are already upon us, and so is the end of the first season of Buffy! In today's episode, we discuss the might, myth, and legendary themes in Buffy Season 1 Episode 12 Prophecy Girl: Wherein Buffy, Slayer of the Vampires, Breaks the First Rule of Slaying. 

This one is a heavy hitter, so we run a bit long. We dive right in with some further observations about the use of the color red, and then later get into a lengthy discussion about the nature of the slayer and vampire in Buffy lore. We also get to a seasonally appropriate subject and how it parallels Buffy's choices in this episode. 

Please make sure to comment, email us at, and share us with anyone who will enjoy what we do. Above all, make sure to be extraordinarily good to yourselves and those you care about this holiday season. 

And for your viewing a film education pleasure, watch at least this excellent episode of Every Frame a Painting. 

Buffy Episode 1.11 Out of Mind Out of Sight

Today we discuss Buffy Season 1 Episode 11 Out of Mind Out of Sight: Wherein We All Lament That Our High School Experience Didn't Result in us Becoming Invisible Assassins. We examine the use of Cordelia as Buffy's shadow-self and see her come into her own as a character and as a reluctant member of the Scoobies, as well as discuss some foreshadowing for the episode to come and further our analysis of color language. 

Special thanks to our friends at Image Eyes downtown for being awesome and helping Jen get some cool new spectacles. Make sure to mention us when you go there for a special deal. 

Please make sure to review us on your platform of choice and share us with your Buffy-loving friends to help us boost our signal! 

Buffy Episode 1.9 The Puppet Show

Today we talk about one of our favorite episodes from season 1 (no, really): Buffy Season One Episode Nine - The Puppet Show: Wherein We Are Introduced to Principle Snider and His Revolutionary Approach of Taking Care of Teenagers... there is also a puppet... and hilarity. 

This episode is hilarious and often seen as a fluff piece, but really acts as a fulcrum point for Buffy's development and sets up an overarching philosophy for her over the course of the rest of the show. There is also some amazing foreshadowing, visual storytelling, and humor to go with it. 

Make sure to share us with your Buffy-loving friends, subscribe to us on your listening platform of choice and review us on iTunes, Stitcher, and help us boost our signal any way you can. We heart our Gentle Listeners and want to get as many as we can involved in the conversation. 

Also, if you are in the market for some fun, non-toxic, and consumable holiday gifts, please visit our friend's Jamberry page, where you can find low-fuss and unique nail art that's easy, fun, and long-lasting. We both love Jamberry and we think you and the nail polish lover in your life will too!  


Buffy Episode 1.4: Teacher's Pet

In today's episode we discuss Season 1 Episode 4 Teachers Pet: Wherein attempted statutory rape by a large preying mantis goes awry - go figure. We observe how costuming decisions indicate the attraction between Angel and Buffy, expand our understanding of the dangers in the Buffyverse, see the first example of Buffy's kinky hair indication of Something Being Off, and begin our discussion of how all the aspects of Buffy share an attraction to the demonic and strange. 

As a fledgling podcast, we depend on out gentle listeners to review us, rate us, and share among your friends. You can always find us on Facebook as well as our website (, and you can email us at any time. 

Buffy Episode 1.3: Witch

Hello! Today we talk about Buffy Season 1, Episode 3: Witch -- in which we learn which witch is which. As always, contained within are many spoilers and swears, so protect the newbies and the fragile-eared peeps in the world. 

Please help us spread the word by reviewing us on your listening platform of choice, liking us on Facebook, and sharing us with any Buffyverse fans in your life! 

Oh, and as mentioned in the podcast, here's a brief history of our high school, which was built on a park and also the old prison. Talk about Hell Mouth material.