Buffy - Season 2, Episode 8 - The Dark Age

Greetings, Gentlemen of All Genders.


Here's the image that was placed on the locker beside Buffy's, right above "La Mano."  Note the sun and moon at opposite corners of the image: 

And, after HOURS of time in Google Images, here is a zodiac wheel:


Or it might just be Cthulhu playing piano.

Buffy - Season 2, Episode 6 - Halloween - The Watcher Diary

Yeah, so we think this might be Darla.  I mean, who knows, right?  We never will.  Here are the points we highlighted during the podcast:

  • The sketch has the name “Sarah Goodfriend” written by it.  Darla has forgotten her real name, but calling herself "Goodfriend" would be so delightfully, snarkily Darla, wouldn't it?  "Me?  I'm totally innocent!  A good friend!  Yep!" bite bite bite
  • Included with the drawing are references to “St. Vincent’s Eve - midnight signs from previous fortnight appear true.”  St. Vincent’s Day seems to be your standard feast celebrating St. Vincent de Paul.  For Catholics in 1775, the feast happened on July 19th.   
  • Also written, “Forwarning of a <something>craft (probably witchcraft) curse - a spell of <something>.”  
  • Plus brackish wellwater, and something about eyes turned inward (which was the birth defect Jenny Calendar mentioned in “Prophecy Girl.”  There are also some signs and symbols, something about September “for the harvest month.”  That’s two little references to the Master (both the birth defect and the harvest, if only the well water had boiled, we’d have three) on one page.  

If you see a nice lady like this, I'd suggest running really, really fast in the other direction.  

Episode Order

Greetings, Gentlemen (of all genders)

Here is our general outline of the order in which we'll be navigating through Buffy and Angel the Series.  I suspect that this will change, because God forbid I make a decision and stick with it.  Heh. 

Descriptions are filled in as we publish the podcast for each episode. 

The Angel episodes marked with an asterisk indicate important crossovers with Buffy

Buffy Season 2

Buffy - 2-1 - When She Was Bad:  Wherein we see what slayers are like if they don't have friends and family... and do have PTSD.
Buffy - 2-2 - Some Assembly Required: Wherein we learn that Giles is hot for teacher, and that sometimes it's really tough to get a head.
Buffy - 2-3 - School Hard: Wherein we meet SPIKE AND DRU!!!!!!
Buffy - 2-4 - Inca Mummy Girl: Wherein Xander continues his streak.
Buffy - 2-5 - Reptile Boy: Wherein our natural aversion to frat parties is reinforced.
Buffy - 2-6 - Halloween: Wherein Buffy damsels herself and Angel is not impressed, and we meet Ripper and the chaotically cunning Ethan Rayne.
Buffy - 2-7 - Lie to Me: Wherein Giles weaves a breathtaking, heartbreaking lie.
Buffy - 2-8 - The Dark Age: Wherein there is more Ripper.
Buffy - 2-9 - What's My Line, Part 1 & Buffy - 2-10 - What's My Line, Part 2: Wherein we meet Kendra, Slayer of the Vampyres, and wherein Buffy's only child syndrome makes an appearance for what will not be the last time.
Buffy - 2-11 - Ted: Wherein Buffy performs several acts that she will deny for the rest of the series.
Buffy - 2-12 - Bad Eggs: Wherein I am inexplicably entertained by what is supposed to be a bad episode.
Buffy - 2-13 - Surprise: Wherein, oh, shit.  It’s Buffy’s birthday.
Buffy - 2-14 - Innocence: Wherein all ye know and all ye need to know is ROCKETLAUNCHER.
Buffy - 2-15 - Phases: Wherein Angelus, Larry the Closet Case, a werewolf hunter, and Oz give us different flavors of the "all men are beasts" theory later posited by Faith in Season 3. 
Buffy - 2-16 - Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Buffy - 2-17 - Passion
Buffy - 2-18 - Killed By Death
Buffy - 2-19 - I Only Have Eyes for You
Buffy - 2-20 - Go Fish
Buffy - 2-21 - Becoming, Part 1 & Buffy - 2-22 - Becoming, Part 2

Buffy Season 3

Buffy - 3-1 - Anne
Buffy - 3-2 - Dead Man's Party
Buffy - 3-3 - Faith, Hope & Trick
Buffy - 3-4 - Beauty and the Beasts  
Buffy - 3-5 - Homecoming
Buffy - 3-6 - Band Candy
Buffy - 3-7 - Revelations
Buffy - 3-8 - Lovers Walk
Buffy - 3-9 - The Wish
Buffy - 3-10 - Amends
Buffy - 3-11 - Gingerbread
Buffy - 3-12 - Helpless.
Buffy - 3-13 - The Zeppo
Buffy - 3-14 - Bad Girls
Buffy - 3-15 - Consequences
Buffy - 3-16 - Doppelgangland
Buffy - 3-17 - Enemies
Buffy - 3-18 - Earshot
Buffy - 3-19 - Choices
Buffy - 3-20 - The Prom
Buffy - 3-21 - Graduation Day, Part 1 & Buffy - 3-22 - Graduation Day, Part 2

Buffy Season 4; Angel Season 1

Buffy - 4-1 - The Freshman
Angel - 1-1 - City of…
Buffy - 4-2 - Living Conditions  
Angel - 1-2 - Lonely Hearts
Buffy - 4-3 - The Harsh Light of Day
Angel - 1-3 - In the Dark*
Buffy - 4-4 - Fear, Itself
Angel - 1-4 - I Fall to Pieces
Buffy - 4-5 - Beer Bad
Angel - 1-5 - RM W/A VU
Buffy - 4-6 - Wild at Heart
Angel - 1-6 - Sense and Sensitivity
Buffy - 4-7 - The Initiative
Angel - 1-7 - The Bachelor Party
Buffy - 4-8 - Pangs
Angel - 1-8 - I Will Remember You*
Buffy - 4-9 - Something Blue  
Angel - 1-9 - Hero
Angel - 1-10 - Parting Gifts
Buffy - 4-10 - Hush
Buffy - 4-11 - Doomed
Angel - 1-11 - Somnambulist
Buffy - 4-12 - A New Man
Angel - 1-12 - Expecting  
Buffy - 4-13 - The I in Team
Angel - 1-13 - She
Buffy - 4-14 - Goodbye Iowa
Angel - 1-14 - I’ve Got You Under My Skin
Angel - 1-15 - The Prodigal
Angel - 1-16 - The Ring  
Buffy - 4-15 - This Year's Girl
Buffy - 4-16 - Who Are You
Angel - 1-17 - Eternity
Buffy - 4-17 - Superstar
Buffy - 4-18 - Where the Wild Things Are
Buffy - 4-19 - New Moon Rising
Angel - 1-18 - Five by Five*
Angel - 1-19 - Sanctuary*
Buffy - 4-20 - The Yoko Factor
Angel - 1-20 - War Zone
Angel - 1-21 - Blind Date
Buffy - 4-21 - Primeval
Buffy - 4-22 - Restless
Angel - 1-22 - To Shanshu in L.A.

Buffy Season 5; Angel Season 2

Buffy - 5-1 - Buffy vs. Dracula
Angel - 2-1 - Judgment
Buffy - 5-2 - Real Me
Angel - 2-2 - Are You Now or Have You Ever Been
Buffy - 5-3 - The Replacement
Angel - 2-3 - First Impressions
Buffy - 5-4 - Out of My Mind
Angel - 2-4 - Untouched
Angel - 2-5 - Dear Boy
Buffy - 5-5 - No Place Like Home
Buffy - 5-6 - Family
Angel - 2-6 - Guise Will Be Guise
Buffy - 5-7 - Fool for Love
Angel - 2-7 - Darla
Buffy - 5-8 - Shadow
Angel - 2-8 - The Shroud of Rahmon
Buffy - 5-9 - Listening to Fear
Angel - 2-9 - The Trial
Buffy - 5-10 - Into the Woods
Angel - 2-10 - Reunion
Buffy - 5-11 - Triangle
Angel - 2-11 - Redefinition
Buffy - 5-12 - Checkpoint
Angel - 2-12 - Blood Money
Buffy - 5-13 - Blood Ties  
Angel - 2-13 - Happy Anniversary
Buffy - 5-14 - Crush  
Angel - 2-14 - The Thin Dead Line
Angel - 2-15 - Reprise
Angel - 2-16 - Epiphany
Buffy - 5-15 - I Was Made to Love You
Buffy - 5-16 - The Body
Buffy - 5-17 - Forever
Angel - 2-17 - Disharmony
Buffy - 5-18 - Intervention
Angel - 2-18 - Dead End
Buffy - 5-19 - Tough Love
Angel - 2-19 - Belonging
Buffy - 5-20 - Spiral
Buffy - 5-21 - The Weight of the World
Buffy - 5-22 - The Gift
Angel - 2-20 - Over the Rainbow
Angel - 2-21 - Through the Looking Glass
Angel - 2-22 - There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb

Buffy Season 6; Angel Season 3

Angel - 3-1 - Heartthrob
Buffy - 6-1 - Bargaining, Pt.1 & Buffy - 6-2 - Bargaining, Pt. 2
Angel - 3-2 - That Vision Thing
Buffy - 6-3 - After Life
Angel - 3-3 - That Old Gang Of Mine
Angel - 3-4 - Carpe Noctem
Buffy - 6-4 - Flooded
Angel - 3-5 - Fredless
Buffy - 6-5 - Life Serial
Angel - 3-6 - Billy
Buffy - 6-6 - All the Way
Angel - 3-7 - Offspring
Buffy - 6-7 - Once More, With Feeling
Angel - 3-8 - Quickening
Buffy - 6-8 - Tabula Rasa
Angel - 3-9 - Lullaby
Buffy - 6-9 - Smashed
Angel - 3-10 - Dad
Buffy - 6-10 - Wrecked
Angel - 3-11 - Birthday
Buffy - 6-11 - Gone
Angel - 3-12 - Provider
Buffy - 6-12 - Doublemeat Palace
Angel - 3-13 - Waiting in the Wings
Buffy - 6-13 - Dead Things
Angel - 3-14 - Couplet
Buffy - 6-14 - Older and Far Away
Angel - 3-15 - Loyalty
Buffy - 6-15 - As You Were
Angel - 3-16 - Sleep Tight
Buffy - 6-16 - Hells' Bells
Angel - 3-17 - Forgiving
Buffy - 6-17 - Normal Again
Angel - 3-18 - Double or Nothing
Buffy - 6-18 - Entropy
Angel - 3-19 - The Price
Buffy - 6-19 - Seeing Red
Buffy - 6-20 - Villains
Buffy - 6-21 - Two to Go
Buffy - 6-22 - Grave
Angel - 3-20 - A New World
Angel - 3-21 - Benediction
Angel - 3-22 - Tomorrow

Buffy Season 7; Angel Season 4

Buffy - 7-1 - Lessons
Angel - 4-1 - Deep Down
Buffy - 7-2 - Beneath You
Angel - 4-2 - Ground State
Buffy - 7-3 - Same Time, Same Place
Angel - 4-3 - The House Always Wins
Buffy - 7-4 - Help
Angel - 4-4 - Slouching Toward Bethlehem
Buffy - 7-5 - Selfless
Angel - 4-5 - Supersymmetry
Buffy - 7-6 - Him
Angel - 4-6 - Spin The Bottle
Buffy - 7-7 - Conversations with Dead People
Angel - 4-7 - Apocalypse, Nowish
Buffy - 7-8 - Sleeper
Angel - 4-8 - Habeas Corpses
Buffy - 7-9 - Never Leave Me
Buffy - 7-10 - Bring on the Night
Buffy - 7-11 - Showtime
Buffy - 7-12 - Potential
Buffy - 7-13 - The Killer in Me
Buffy - 7-14 - First Date
Buffy - 7-15 - Get It Done
Buffy - 7-16 - Storyteller
Angel - 4-9 - Long Day's Journey
Angel - 4-10 - Awakening
Angel - 4-11 - Soulless
Angel - 4-12 - Calvary
Buffy - 7-17 - Lies My Parents Told Me
Angel - 4-13 - Salvage*
Angel - 4-14 - Release*
Angel - 4-15 - Orpheus*
Buffy - 7-18 - Dirty Girls
Angel - 4-16 - Players
Angel - 4-17 - Inside Out
Angel - 4-18 - Shiny Happy People
Angel - 4-19 - The Magic Bullet
Angel - 4-20 - Sacrifice
Angel - 4-21 - Peace Out
Buffy - 7-19 - Empty Places
Buffy - 7-20 - Touched
Angel - 4-22 - Home
Buffy - 7-21 - End of Days
Buffy - 7-22 - Chosen

Angel Season 5

Angel - 5-1 - Conviction
Angel - 5-2 - Just Rewards
Angel - 5-3 - Unleashed
Angel - 5-4 - Hell Bound
Angel - 5-5 - Life of the Party
Angel - 5-6 - The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco
Angel - 5-7 - Lineage
Angel - 5-8 - Destiny
Angel - 5-9 - Harm's Way
Angel - 5-10 - Soul Purpose
Angel - 5-11 - Damage
Angel - 5-12 - You're Welcome
Angel - 5-13 - Why We Fight
Angel - 5-14 - Smile Time
Angel - 5-15 - A Hole in the World
Angel - 5-16 - Shells
Angel - 5-17 - Underneath
Angel - 5-18 - Origin
Angel - 5-19 - Time Bomb
Angel - 5-20 - The Girl in Question
Angel - 5-21 - Power Play
Angel - 5-22 - Not Fade Away