Shadow Self

Buffy Episode 3.1: Anne

It's hard to believe we're at season 3! And boy do we start out with a bang in our discussion of Buffy Season 3 Episode 1: Anne; Wherein Buffy, Slayer of the Vampires, falls down 6 times and gets up 7. In this episode we see Buffy once again coming to terms with her own resurrection - a theme that will last throughout for all season opening for this show. Her life as she knew it was over, and she is putting the pieces back together in a spartan apartment on the “poor side of town” (Hi, Faith) while her friends and mother still manage to scapegoat her from afar. We see a lot of interesting character movements coming down the pipeline from all characters in foreshadowing and misunderstandings and we also see a glimpse of the Slayer we know Buffy can be - despite being in mourning and trying to not be the hero, she steps up and kicks ass in glorious fashion when the times comes, all while paralleling Angel’s unseen journey through the underworld and also many clues into how to interpret his words and actions once he returns. Stay tuned for some dynamite work on the Greek Myth front with this development. 

We talk a lot about the movements of all Buffy's parts here, discuss Buffy's deeper slayer self, and also inspect many foreshadowings and deeper currents illustrated by the Scoobies that will come to light as time goes by in future episodes. Plus, we get a pretty dope costuming metaphor with Lily's Rocky Horror shirt and parallels to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. This is only the beginning of an amazing season of television.

And make sure to pay attention to our new feature of the podcast: Buffy-themed cocktails created by us and tailored for each episode. 

As always, thank you so much for listening and helping us boost our signal. Even though it's been two full seasons now, we feel like we're just getting started. Please make sure to like us on Facebook, visit our website, and share us with your Buffy-loving friends.

And because we mentioned Nathan Fillion, we have to share this: 

Brian and Nick discover their outer beauty. Buy BriTANicK T-shirts!!!! Cast: Christian Ani Mariel Booth Amanda Crew Frankie the Bulldog Nathan Fillion Christian Guidi Director of Photography: Jay Hunter (with an alley-oop by Danny Grunes) Song: "Safari" - Teen Girl Scientist Monthly Makeup: Bebe Gene Special Thanks: Dante Fernandez Ben Joseph Sam Kirsch Chris Knauer T.J.

Buffy Episode 2.21: Becoming Part 1

In our show we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 21: Becoming Part 1; Wherein Angelus demonstrates once again that he is really smart, but also really fucking stupid; Kendra, Slayer of the Vampyres, breaks the first rule of slaying; and, offscreen in Boston, the next slayer is called.

This episode is the first half on one of the most impactful season ends in the history of television. There is an incredible scope of storytelling and foreshadowing going on, all while masterfully expanding our understanding of Angel as a character as well as seeing the origin story of our vampire cast, our knowledge of the Buffyverse, and our big feels that lead up to the heartbreak at the end of the season. We also see very interesting work at expanding our conversation about what happens when you become a vampire and how who you were before and how you are turned dictate much of what type of demon you will become. 

We talk about a lot and cover a ton of very interesting ideas. Among them, the possible origins of Acathla, our glimpse into Scoopy normality, the brilliant conflicts between the characters as both metaphor and people, and work at moving forward with queer metaphors. 

Thank you so much for listening! Please make sure to like us on Facebook, visit our website, comment wherever you see fit to keep the conversation going, and as always we are happy to hear from you if you email us any time at

We’ll see you next time for Becoming Part 2

And in case you wanted to get more information on queerness and production coding, allow us to present The Celluloid Closet: 

Buffy Episode 2.16: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

We're FINALLY back after Michelle/ Snard's training and subsequent need for sleep and brain rest instead of editing audio. We're back on schedule though and don't anticipate any more interruptions!

In today's episode, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 16: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, wherein Xander triggers a love spell that promptly goes awry, there is a Buffy Rat, and Jenny Calendar, Drucilla, and Joyce, laughter0induced hernias are had by all BUT alert: this is the Buffyverse so the hilarity of the episode means that the next one will rip out your heart and feed it to you. 

We observe some evolution in Buffy and Xander's relationship (and thus between Buffy and her Heart), explore the darker side of magic, and through the love spell see a new way to view Angelus' behavior toward Buffy in the coming episodes. 

Thank you so very much for listening to our podcast! 

Buffy Episode 2.7: Lie to Me (Ripper Arc 2 of 3)

In this, our second episode of the Ripper Arc, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 7 Lie to Me: Wherein Giles weaves a breathtaking, heartbreaking lie. And everyone lies to everyone else. 

This episode is rife with symbolism and metaphor from beginning to end, taking us much deeper into the lies told by everyone — Giles, in particular. We also continue the returning of Angel’s past, and have many of his old issues come to the foreground as he struggles internal with past deeds - much as Giles is in our three episodes. We also have some hard truths coming Buffy’s way, and one of the saddest monologues in the whole of Buffy. 

We are so grateful to you, our Gentle Listeners. Please keep liking, sharing, and reviewing us anywhere you see fit and as always, we would love to hear from you — you can always reach us by commenting anywhere online or email us at

And because we wax poetic about this episode's discussion by Passion of the Nerd:

Buffy Episode 2.3 School Hard

They're heeeere! In this episode, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 3:School Hard, Wherein We Meet Spike And Dru! (Insert girlish squeal of delight.) We delve into the metaphorical meanings behind Spike's presence in Buffy's life, expose a new shadow self for out plucky slayer, and examine some pretty interesting wardrobe meanings. 

Also, did we mention Spike and Dru? 

Please make sure to share us with your Buffy-loving friends, like us on Facebook, and comment anywhere you like, or email us at to keep the conversation going. Also, we'd be pleased as punch if you'd write us a review on iTunes, Stitcher, or your listening platform of choice. 

Last but not least, if you have some time to kill, you can watch the reason Jen no longer watches anime: Unico and the Island of Magic


Buffy Episode 2.1 When She Was Bad

A Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone! In today's episode, we talk about the second part of Buffy's resurrection story in Buffy Season 2 Episode 1 When She was Bad: Wherein We Find Out What Slayers are Like if They Don't Have Friends or Family But Do Have PTSD.

Many revelations abound in this episode, not the least among them the fact that David Boreanaz is the one in the Master's makeup in Buffy's dream.

Have a fantastic holiday in whatever way you choose, and please make sure to review us on iTunes or Stitcher, like us on Facebook, and start a discussion if you have any thoughts to add. We'll see you next time when we resume our normal posting schedule. 

Buffy Episode 1.12 Prophecy Girl

The holidays are already upon us, and so is the end of the first season of Buffy! In today's episode, we discuss the might, myth, and legendary themes in Buffy Season 1 Episode 12 Prophecy Girl: Wherein Buffy, Slayer of the Vampires, Breaks the First Rule of Slaying. 

This one is a heavy hitter, so we run a bit long. We dive right in with some further observations about the use of the color red, and then later get into a lengthy discussion about the nature of the slayer and vampire in Buffy lore. We also get to a seasonally appropriate subject and how it parallels Buffy's choices in this episode. 

Please make sure to comment, email us at, and share us with anyone who will enjoy what we do. Above all, make sure to be extraordinarily good to yourselves and those you care about this holiday season. 

And for your viewing a film education pleasure, watch at least this excellent episode of Every Frame a Painting. 

Buffy Episode 1.11 Out of Mind Out of Sight

Today we discuss Buffy Season 1 Episode 11 Out of Mind Out of Sight: Wherein We All Lament That Our High School Experience Didn't Result in us Becoming Invisible Assassins. We examine the use of Cordelia as Buffy's shadow-self and see her come into her own as a character and as a reluctant member of the Scoobies, as well as discuss some foreshadowing for the episode to come and further our analysis of color language. 

Special thanks to our friends at Image Eyes downtown for being awesome and helping Jen get some cool new spectacles. Make sure to mention us when you go there for a special deal. 

Please make sure to review us on your platform of choice and share us with your Buffy-loving friends to help us boost our signal!