
Buffy Episode 2.2: Some Assembly Required

In today's episode, we discuss the shockingly layered and important episode of Buffy Season 2 Episode 2: Some Assembly Required, Wherein We Learn the Giles is Hot For Teacher and Sometimes it’s Really Tough to Get A Head. We know that this episode isn't on everyone's factories list, but we promise you do not want to miss our findings. 

We discuss the foreshadowing and development of several important romantic attachments, explore the allegorical implications of Daryl's existence and the possible things that might have gone wrong in bringing Buffy back from the dead, and also reveal some discoveries we made about mythological links into the Buffy cannon. 

As always we would love to hear from you! Please comment, like, share, and review us to help boost our signal. You can always reach us at,, and on Facebook and Podbean. We heart our Gentle Listeners and would love to hear from you! 

And as promised: a link to some Sunnydale-esque science stuff happening now - the first human head transplant (ewww).

Buffy Episode 1.12 Prophecy Girl

The holidays are already upon us, and so is the end of the first season of Buffy! In today's episode, we discuss the might, myth, and legendary themes in Buffy Season 1 Episode 12 Prophecy Girl: Wherein Buffy, Slayer of the Vampires, Breaks the First Rule of Slaying. 

This one is a heavy hitter, so we run a bit long. We dive right in with some further observations about the use of the color red, and then later get into a lengthy discussion about the nature of the slayer and vampire in Buffy lore. We also get to a seasonally appropriate subject and how it parallels Buffy's choices in this episode. 

Please make sure to comment, email us at, and share us with anyone who will enjoy what we do. Above all, make sure to be extraordinarily good to yourselves and those you care about this holiday season. 

And for your viewing a film education pleasure, watch at least this excellent episode of Every Frame a Painting.