
Buffy Episode 1.9 The Puppet Show

Today we talk about one of our favorite episodes from season 1 (no, really): Buffy Season One Episode Nine - The Puppet Show: Wherein We Are Introduced to Principle Snider and His Revolutionary Approach of Taking Care of Teenagers... there is also a puppet... and hilarity. 

This episode is hilarious and often seen as a fluff piece, but really acts as a fulcrum point for Buffy's development and sets up an overarching philosophy for her over the course of the rest of the show. There is also some amazing foreshadowing, visual storytelling, and humor to go with it. 

Make sure to share us with your Buffy-loving friends, subscribe to us on your listening platform of choice and review us on iTunes, Stitcher, and help us boost our signal any way you can. We heart our Gentle Listeners and want to get as many as we can involved in the conversation. 

Also, if you are in the market for some fun, non-toxic, and consumable holiday gifts, please visit our friend's Jamberry page, where you can find low-fuss and unique nail art that's easy, fun, and long-lasting. We both love Jamberry and we think you and the nail polish lover in your life will too!  


Buffy Episode 1.6: The Pack (Darkness arc 1 of 3)

Welcome to our 3-episode journey exploring the aspects of Buffy's darkness and attraction to dark and not-quite-human things. In this, our exploration of the Xander-focused episode The Pack we discuss more in-depth the dark aspects of Buffy and her heart, see yet another of good teachers getting dead, explore the nature of the soul in the Buffyverse, and discuss the long-running consequences to Xander's perspective and character development after his walk on the wild side. 

Please support us by sharing us with your friends and/or write us a review on iTunes, stitcher, or Podean to help boost our signal. As always, we welcome discussion on https://www.facebook.com/DiogenesClubPodcast, our website, or email at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com. 

Also, if you are in the market for some fun, non-toxic, and consumable holiday gifts, please visit our friend's Jamberry page, where you can find low-fuss and unique nail art that's easy, fun, and long-lasting. We both love Jamberry and we think you and the nail polish lover in your life will too! 

Musical links: 

- Reluctant Man by Sprung Monkey

- Job's Eyes by Far