
Buffy 3.3: Faith, Hope & Trick Part 2

Welcome to the second of our 2-part podcast of Buffy Season 3, Episode 3: Faith, Hope & Trick; wherein... OMG Faith is here!!! We pick up where we left off in our very long discussion of the introduction of one of Buffy's most enduring (in more ways than one) characters, and we are loving every minute of it. 

We discuss in greater detail the production coding showing Faith as a viable and very real romantic interest for Buffy (sorry, Scott... not), and also investigate Faith's introduction as a means by which the cast, audience, and plot can re-investigate Buffy's past as a slayer and come to new understanding and new ground. Faith is the introduction of a true shadow for Buffy, allowing her greater space to grow and flesh out as a character in ways the Scoobies couldn't accommodate. 

We also have a pretty awesome revelation at the end about the real trick in the episode and exactly how Angel returned when he did. Just listen... we think we're brilliant. 

We want to thank you so much for listening, sharing, and supporting us. We are approaching our first anniversary, and we have lots of expansions and new ideas in store. Stay tuned! 

**A note from Snard: I want to thank everyone for their comments, emails, and messages of concern and encouragement. Right before posting the last episode, I tried a new ADHD medication that disrupted the equilibrium of my normally happy brain chemicals and had to take time out for self care. We are back and ready to go though, and have been recording while I've taken a break from edits, so there's plenty more where this came from. **

Buffy Episode 3.2: Dead Man's Party

Welcome to our discussion of Buffy Season 3 Episode 2: Dead Man's Party; wherein Buffy's family and friends are incomparable assholes except for Giles who snaps off one of the funniest lines we have ever heard. We have had schnapps to wash down the bitter comments, and also work to try and understand why Buffy's friends are terrible. We postulate many ideas, among them that this episode is from Joyce's point of view, and have some very interesting ideas about the origin of Pat and where she fits into the greater Buffyverse (seriously, Snard found evidence). We also discuss the function of the mask as a reflection of Joyce's consciousness and her need to keep up appearances and activates in her absence of the ability to maintain control - a theme that feeds well into the mythological metaphors of this season. 

We have to do a lot of heavy metaphor and character gymnastics in this episode to arc Buffy from her freedom and slayer awakening back into the confines of Sunnydale and the role she is supposed to play as the hero who never shows emotion - setting her up in a way that will prevent her from opening up to Faith when she gets here, and thus creates tension in the story. Our metaphors broadcast all sorts of internal workings and conflicts, and the characters indicate many trends and issues that foreshadows upcoming actions. Love it or hate it, this is a pivotal and telling episode. Plus, Gile's car rant makes it all worth it.  

As always, thank you fro much for listening and all you do for the show. Make sure to like us on Facebook, go to our website to comment and see what else we're up to, and contact us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com. Until next time, when we get to the the thing Jen has been waiting for since we began.... FAITH!! 

And because you'll need it after this episode, Richard Simmons being fabulous:

Buffy Episode 2.15: Phases

In today’s episode, Buffy is going through a few things and so is our new Scooby Oz. That’s right, it’s Buffy Season 2, Episode 15: Phases: Wherein Angelus, Larry the Closet Case, a werewolf hunter named Kane, and Oz all give us different versions of the “all men are beasts” theory later posited by Faith is Season 3. 

And really, the subtitle says just about all we can say. This episode works both to examine toxic masculinity as well as showing us the inner workings of Buffy dealing with the loss of Angel to Angelus in beautifully orchestrated metaphor through the Scoobies, as well as the reflection that a beast doesn’t have to be a monster, as Oz proves. We also get to see Cordy and Willow bond over their tipping of the gender norm tables and that scene never gets old (“Who do they think they are?” “A couple of guys.”)

As always, please keep commenting, liking, sharing, reviewing, and all the other wonderful things you do to help boost our signal and give us feedback. And you can always contact us directly on info@diogenseclubpodcast.com

Also, keep in mind that sometime this week or next, Michelle/Snard will have finished re-mastering the sound on our old episodes and will be refreshing the podcast feed, so if things go all wonky, that’s why.

Buffy Episode 2.14: Innocence

Happy Birthday, Buffy! No seriously, though. The 10th is Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s 20th anniversary. And we feel old.

Welcome to the second part of the epic duo episodes that chronicle Angel going all Angelus and we are both misty eyed and amused at once. Today, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 14 Innocence: Wherein all ye know and all ye need to know is ROCKET LAUNCHER. 

We talk about… well, a lot of stuff. Seriously, like, a lot. Just listen. But among all of it, we discuss Michelle’s (Snard’s) theory and in-depth research about the coded language of leather and velvet in the power dynamic of Angel and Buffy. There will be a post on Michelle’s Blog about it, so if you don’t follow everything, we have you covered. Also, we talk about Angel’s history, add some cargo onto Michelle’s ship of Angel and Spike. 

Did we mention rocket launcher?

Make sure to stay tuned for Michelle’s blog, and make sure to read Jen’s blog as well, and let us know what you like or would enjoy reading. Also, we’re still collecting iTunes reviews for our incentive goal. 

And as always, help us boost our signal by visiting our website, liking us on Facebook, sharing us with your Buffy-loving friends, and keeping in touch by emailing us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com.

Buffy Episode 2.13: Surprise

In today’s episode, we discuss the unforgettable Buffy Season 2 Episode 13 Surprise: Wherein Oh shit! It’s Buffy’s birthday! We have a TON of material that we cover, not the least being the possible meanings behind the prevalence of water and rain in this episode as well as the indications for who’s perspective we might be filtering this episode through. We also speculate heavily (and brilliantly, if we do say so) on the nature of Angel’s curse and what *true happiness* means. 

Oh yeah, and Willow and Oz become A Thing finally - or at least Willow says the word “date,” and Oz very calmly is indoctrinated into the Scoobies. Welcome, Oz. 

We are still working on getting reviews on iTunes to help us get to our incentives, so please help us out and write even just a few words about what you think of us. It helps us immensely. Also be sure to like us on Facebook for news and such, comment on the website, and feel free to email us at info@diogenesclubpodcast.com any time. 

Thank you so much for listening.