
Buffy Episode 2.8: The Dark Age (Ripper Arc 3 of 3)

Here we conclude our third and final episode of our Ripper Arc episodes with Buffy Season 2 Episode 8 The Dark Age: Wherein there is more Ripper (and more Ethan. Yay!). In this episode, Giles’ Ripper past comes back to haunt him in the most literal and worst way possible. We get to see Giles at his worst and from that as a consequence, we get to see the Scoobies and their metaphorical roles have to handle a difficult situation without Buffy’s mind. We also get to see Angel do something pretty helpful and bad ass. 

We learn though this episode (as well as the others) not only that Giles has a dark past, but also that he has a dark alter-ego just beneath the surface at all times. We are also rewarded with some heavy foreshadowing and interesting character movements that set us up for the next heartbreaking and amazing chapter of Buffy.

Michelle (Snard) also introduces her incentive to help us get more reviews to help us boost our ratings. It involves music. And singing. Review us on iTunes, and good and things will happen. 

One more time, please help us boost our signal, dear Gentle Listeners, in whatever ways you can. We are always, always happy to hear from you on the interwebs, facebook, or you can reach us at

As discussed earlier, make sure to check out the fabulous Jonathan Coulton song RE:Your Brains and the irresistibly funny Eddie Izzard

Be seeing you….

As discussed earlier, make sure to check out the fabulous Jonathan Coulton song RE:Your Brains

 and the irresistibly funny Eddie Izzard

Buffy Episode 2.3 School Hard

They're heeeere! In this episode, we discuss Buffy Season 2 Episode 3:School Hard, Wherein We Meet Spike And Dru! (Insert girlish squeal of delight.) We delve into the metaphorical meanings behind Spike's presence in Buffy's life, expose a new shadow self for out plucky slayer, and examine some pretty interesting wardrobe meanings. 

Also, did we mention Spike and Dru? 

Please make sure to share us with your Buffy-loving friends, like us on Facebook, and comment anywhere you like, or email us at to keep the conversation going. Also, we'd be pleased as punch if you'd write us a review on iTunes, Stitcher, or your listening platform of choice. 

Last but not least, if you have some time to kill, you can watch the reason Jen no longer watches anime: Unico and the Island of Magic


Buffy Episode 1.6: The Pack (Darkness arc 1 of 3)

Welcome to our 3-episode journey exploring the aspects of Buffy's darkness and attraction to dark and not-quite-human things. In this, our exploration of the Xander-focused episode The Pack we discuss more in-depth the dark aspects of Buffy and her heart, see yet another of good teachers getting dead, explore the nature of the soul in the Buffyverse, and discuss the long-running consequences to Xander's perspective and character development after his walk on the wild side. 

Please support us by sharing us with your friends and/or write us a review on iTunes, stitcher, or Podean to help boost our signal. As always, we welcome discussion on, our website, or email at 

Also, if you are in the market for some fun, non-toxic, and consumable holiday gifts, please visit our friend's Jamberry page, where you can find low-fuss and unique nail art that's easy, fun, and long-lasting. We both love Jamberry and we think you and the nail polish lover in your life will too! 

Musical links: 

- Reluctant Man by Sprung Monkey

- Job's Eyes by Far

Buffy Episode 1.5: Never Kill a Boy on the First Date

Today we discuss Buffy Season 1 Episode 5 Never Kill a Boy on a First Date: Wherein the slayer tries to have a normal date out with a normal boy and even he has a dark side. We explore how the Scoobies act as metaphor for Buffy's psyche, find yet another hint that Giles isn's all tweed and book dust, begin our arc of The Annointed, and watch some epic posturing from Angel in the Bronze.

If you enjoy our podcast, please help us spread the word by sharing us with the Buffy fans in your life, and make sure to subscribe on your platform of choice, visit us on Facebook and keep the conversation going about anything you wish.

Make sure to join us for next week's tripple feature!

And as promised: Buffy vs. Edward